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Docker Deploy Guide

Use the docker image provided by each module to independently deploy each sub-service on Linux/Unix/Mac


  • Docker 17+
  • MySQL 5.7+
  • Recommendation: Production environment with 3 nodes and above
  • Recommendation: 2-core CPU/4G memory and above

Independent deployment of sub-services

Deploy independently on Linux/Unix/Mac using the docker image provided by each module.

Three service images need to be deployed, as shown in the following deployment example:

Sample machineDeployment modulePort API4008 UI4009(Nginx) Server4007 4011 (MySQL)13306

Please replace the above IP address with the actual IP address according to the actual deployment environment instead of (Docker uses the bridge network mode by default and does not point to the host)


  1. Run the MySQL database instance:


    If you use other MySQL environments that you have already deployed (refer to Setup database), you can skip this step. Fill in your own MySQL environment configuration information in the startup parameters of the API service in the next step.

    docker run -p 13306:13306 \
    -e MYSQL_TCP_PORT=13306 \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=feature_probe \
    --name database -d mariadb

    For more detailed configuration of database startup parameters, please refer to Configure database

  1. Run the FeatureProbe API instance:

    docker run -p 4008:4008 \
    -e server.port=4008 \
    -e spring.datasource.jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql:// \
    -e spring.datasource.username=root \
    -e spring.datasource.password=root \
    -e app.analysis-url=
    -e app.server-base-urls=
    --name featureProbeAPI -d featureprobe/api

    # The above is the IP and port of MySQL Server, please adjust it according to the actual situation
    # The above is the IP and port of Analysis Server, please adjust it according to the actual situation
    # The above is the IP and port of Server, please adjust it according to the actual situation

    For a more detailed description of the startup parameters of the API service, see FeatureProbe API parameters

  1. Run the FeatureProbe Server instance:

    docker run -p 4007:4007 -p 4011:4011 \
    -e FP_SERVER_PORT=4007 \
    -e FP_REALTIME_PORT=4011 \
    -e FP_TOGGLES_URL= \
    -e FP_EVENTS_URL= \
    -e FP_KEYS_URL= \
    --name featureProbeServer -d featureprobe/server

    # The above is FeatureProbe API service IP and port, please adjust according to the actual situation
    # The above is FeatureProbe Analysis service IP and port, please adjust according to the actual situation

    For a more detailed description of the startup parameters of the Server service, see FeatureProbe Server parameters

4、Run the FeatureProbe Analysis instance:


The Analysis service database and the API database are separated. Before running Analysis, please create a database named 'feature_probe_events'. You can use the same database service as mentioned above.

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS feature_probe_events;
docker run -p 4006:4006 \
-e server.port=4006 \
-e app.datasource.jdbcUrl=jdbc:mysql:// \
-e app.datasource.username=root \
-e app.datasource.password=fp@root \
-e \
-e JVM_ARGS='-Xmx2048m -Xms2048m' \
-e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \
--name featureProbeAnalysis -d featureprobe/analysis

# The above is the IP and port of MySQL Server, please adjust it according to the actual situation
  1. Run the FeatureProbe UI instance:

    docker run -p 4009:4009 \
    -v /my_custom/default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf \
    --name featureProbeUI -d featureprobe/ui

    In order to ensure that the API and UI ports are consistent (to avoid cross-domain requests), it is necessary to customize the nginx configuration to forward API requests. The configuration of /my_custom/default.conf is as follows:

    upstream featureProbeAPI {
    # IP and port of FeatureProbe API service, please adjust according to the actual situation

    server {
    listen 4009; # UI service port

    location / {
    index index.html index.htm;
    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    try_files $uri /index.html;

    location /api { # Unified forwarding to featureProbe API service when accessing /api
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
    proxy_pass http://featureProbeAPI/api;
    proxy_ssl_session_reuse off;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
    proxy_redirect off;

Deployment verification

After the above services are started, open the browser, visit: {FeatureProbeUI_IP}:4009 and log in with the following default account to try it out:

  • username: admin
  • password: Pass1234