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All In One Deploy Guide

This document describes how to deploy the FeatureProbe service using an All-In-One deployment method, where all services are contained within a single container.

Environment Preparation

  • Docker 17+
  • Mysql 5.7+
  • Recommendation: 2-core CPU/4G memory and above


Running with Docker on Linux/Unix/Mac


  1. Creating FeatureProbe Database

    Before deploying the All-In-One FeatureProbe service, you need to create the required database in the prepared database service.

    CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS feature_probe_events;
  2. Starting FeatureProbe Container

    docker run  -p 4008:4008 -p  4006:4006 -p 4007:4007 -p 4011:4011 \
    -e api_server_port=4008 \
    -e api_spring_profiles_active=online \
    -e API_JVM_ARGS='-Xmx2048m -Xms2048m' \
    -e spring.datasource.jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql:// \
    -e spring.datasource.username=root \
    -e spring.datasource.password=root \
    -e app.server-base-urls= \
    -e app.analysis-base-url= \
    -e analysis_server_port=4006 \
    -e app.datasource.jdbcUrl=jdbc:mysql:// \
    -e app.datasource.username=root \
    -e app.datasource.password=root \
    -e analysis_spring_profiles_active=online \
    -e ANALYSIS_JVM_ARGS='-Xmx2048m -Xms2048m' \
    -e RUST_LOG=info \
    -e FP_SERVER_PORT=4007 \
    -e FP_TOGGLES_URL= \
    -e FP_EVENTS_URL= \
    -e FP_KEYS_URL= \
    -e FP_REALTIME_PORT=4011 \
    -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \
    --name featureProbeAll -d featureprobe/featureprobe
  • Service Configuration Details
api_server_portFeatureProbe APIThe port on which the API server will be started
api_spring_profiles_activeFeatureProbe APIThe active profile(s) to be loaded after the configuration file is read
API_JVM_ARGSFeatureProbe APIJVM arguments for the API server
spring.datasource.jdbc-urlFeatureProbe APIThe URL of the database to be used by the API server
spring.datasource.usernameFeatureProbe APIThe username to be used to connect to the database for the API server
spring.datasource.passwordFeatureProbe APIThe password to be used to connect to the database for the API server
app.server-base-urlsFeatureProbe APIThe address(es) of the server(s) on which the API will be deployed. Multiple addresses can be separated by commas. (For multi-instance deployment, it is recommended to configure the gateway address)
app.analysis-base-urlFeatureProbe APIThe address of the analysis service, currently only supports a single address. (For multi-instance deployment, it is recommended to configure the gateway address)
analysis_server_portFeatureProbe AnalysisThe port on which the analysis server will be started
app.datasource.jdbcUrlFeatureProbe AnalysisThe URL of the database to be used by the analysis server
app.datasource.usernameFeatureProbe AnalysisThe username to be used to connect to the database for the analysis server
app.datasource.passwordFeatureProbe AnalysisThe password to be used to connect to the database for the analysis server
analysis_spring_profiles_activeFeatureProbe AnalysisThe active profile(s) to be loaded after the configuration file is read
ANALYSIS_JVM_ARGSFeatureProbe AnalysisJVM arguments for the analysis server
RUST_LOGFeatureProbe ServerLog level
FP_SERVER_PORTFeatureProbe ServerThe port on which the Server will be started
FP_TOGGLES_URLFeatureProbe Servertoggle configuration acquisition url (API)
FP_EVENTS_URLFeatureProbe ServerEvent reporting url (API)
FP_KEYS_URLFeatureProbe ServerKey acquisition url (API)
FP_ANALYSIS_URLFeatureProbe ServerMetric events reporting url (Analysis)
FP_REFRESH_SECONDSFeatureProbe Servertoggle refresh time
FP_REALTIME_PORTFeatureProbe ServerLong connection server port
TZAllContainer time zone
  1. Go to UI/Portal at http://localhost:4008 and use the default credentials to log in.
    • username: admin
    • password: Pass1234