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Setup database

To run the FeatureProbe API, you need to be running a MySQL database (MySQL 5.7 or newer).

Create database

After connecting to MySQL Server, execute the following SQL to create the FeatureProbe database:


Create table and initial data

We provide two ways to create tables and initial data:

Automatically created based on Flyway

No special configuration is required, the FeatureProbe API natively uses flyway to manage and automatically create the database version, in gitub you can see all the change SQL for the database. Every time you start FeatureProbe API, the program will automatically execute DML/DDL, no need to manually maintain the version of the data table.

Also, you can view the data in feature_probe.flyway_schema_history for database changes.

Manually import DML/DDL

If you do not want to use flyway to automatically create tables and manage database versions, you can obtain native DML/DDL to implement manual import and creation.

Before using this method, you need to disable the use of flyway in the application to avoid conflicts. Add the following parameter to disable flyway execution when api starts:



SETP1: Clone api code

$ git clone


$ cd api
$ ls -1 admin/src/main/resources/db/migration/V* \
| sort -V | xargs cat >> rollup.sql

After the execution is complete, the rollup.sql file will be generated, which contains all DML and DDL.

SETP3: Import SQL

Import the generated rollup.sql into the feature_probe library.

mysql> use feature_probe;
mysql> source ./rollup.sql;

After the import is complete, use show tables to see all table structures:

mysql> show tables;
| access_token |
| approval_record |
| attribute |
| dictionary |
| environment |
| webhook_settings |

It is recommended to use the flyway to automatically maintain the database. Manually importing DML/DDL will result in the inability to automatically upgrade the table structure in the future, and manual maintenance of the version is required.