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Deployment Configuration

The following is the description of the parameters of the API module and Server module at startup.

FeatureProbe API

Environment variableDefault valueRequiredDescription
server.port8080noServer port
spring.datasource.jdbc-url-yesConnection address of JDBC. Such as jdbc:mysql://database:13306/feature_probe
spring.profiles.activeonlinenoCurrently active profile
logging.level.rootINFOnoApplication log level: INFO/ERROR/WARN/DEBUG to display the SQL statement at execution time file path when generating the certificate when generating the certificate
app.analysis-urlhttp:// Server URL
server-base-urlshttp:// URLs; Multiple URLs, separated by commas

The above parameters use the docker method to start the program and pass it in through Environment, such as starting it with a jar package and passing it in through java -D.

Security authentication configuration

FeatureProbe API is used as the management background, using JWT standard protocol for user login authentication, and using RSA256 encryption Algorithmic signature. For security reasons, it is strongly recommended to regenerate the RSA key file.

Key generation method:

keytool -genkey -alias my-featureprobe-jwt -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -keystore fp-jwt.jks -validity 365 -keypass YOU-PRIVATE-KEY-PASSPHRASE -storepass YOU-KEYSTORE-PASSWORD

After the execution is completed, the fp-jwt.jks file will be generated in the current directory. The parameter description:

  • validity - Certificate valid days

After the certificate is generated, you need to modify the enabling parameters* to make the current certificate take effect in the application.

FeatureProbe Server

Environment variableDefault valueRequiredDescription
FP_SERVER_PORT4007noServer port
FP_TOGGLES_URLhttp:// address to connect to FeatureProbe API. Used for pull toggles
FP_KEYS_URLhttp:// address to connect to FeatureProbe API. Used for pull sdk key
FP_EVENTS_URLhttp:// address to connect to FeatureProbe API. Used to report toggle access events
FP_ANALYSIS_URL-yesAnalysis Server URL,Used to report toggle events
FP_REFRESH_SECONDS3noInterval of polling pull toggle
RUST_LOGinfonoApplication log level, info/error

Whether the above parameters are started in docker mode or binary mode, they are all passed in through Environment.