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Stable rollout

In most cases, we hope that in the process of gradual rollout , once a specific user enters a variation, he will always enter the variation without reducing the percentage. We don't want users to be confused when they see new features and sometimes they don't because of refreshing the page, re-opening the app, requesting to be assigned to another server instance, etc. We call this application scenario "Stable Rollout".

Below we introduce how to use the FeatureProbe SDK to achieve a stable rollout effect.

Create a toggle on platform

Here we reuse the tutorial_rollout toggle, refer to here for the creation process.

Write code

  1. Refer to here steps 1-4 to prepare the backend code environment.
  2. Pass the user's unique ID (assuming a total of 100 users in the following example, id ranges from 0 to 99) to the FeatureProbe SDK through the stableRollout function
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

Logger root = (Logger)LoggerFactory.getLogger(org.slf4j.Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);

final FPConfig config = FPConfig.builder()

// Init FeatureProbe, share this FeatureProbe instance in your project.
final FeatureProbe fpClient = new FeatureProbe(FEATURE_PROBE_SERVER_SDK_KEY, config);

for (Integer i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
FPUser user = new FPUser().stableRollout(i.toString());
Boolean isOpen = fpClient.boolValue("tutorial_rollout", user, false);
System.out.println("feature for user " + i + " is :" + isOpen);
  1. Run the program
mvn package
java -jar ./target/server-sdk-java-1.4.0.jar

Validate result

  1. From the command line log, it can be seen that about 10% of users have entered the toggle, and no matter how many times they are run (even using different language SDKs), users with the same id (for example: 13, 15, 16) get true.
Log example of percentage 10%
feature for user 0 is :false
feature for user 1 is :false
feature for user 2 is :false
feature for user 3 is :false
feature for user 4 is :false
feature for user 5 is :false
feature for user 6 is :false
feature for user 7 is :false
feature for user 8 is :false
feature for user 9 is :false
feature for user 10 is :false
feature for user 11 is :false
feature for user 12 is :false
feature for user 13 is :true
feature for user 14 is :false
feature for user 15 is :true
feature for user 16 is :true
feature for user 17 is :false
feature for user 18 is :false
feature for user 19 is :false
feature for user 20 is :false
  1. Increases the percentage to 50% on platform, you can see that 50% of the users get true, and users who got true before (such as id: 13, 15, 16) still get true.
Log example of percentage 50%
feature for user 0 is: false
feature for user 1 is: false
feature for user 2 is: false
feature for user 3 is: false
feature for user 4 is: true
feature for user 5 is: true
feature for user 6 is: false
feature for user 7 is: false
feature for user 8 is: false
feature for user 9 is: false
feature for user 10 is: false
feature for user 11 is: false
feature for user 12 is: false
feature for user 13 is: true
feature for user 14 is: true
feature for user 15 is: true
feature for user 16 is: true
feature for user 17 is: true
feature for user 18 is: false
feature for user 19 is: false