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Spring Boot Starter

FeatureProbe is an open source feature management service. This article describes how to use the FeatureProbe SDK in a Spring Boot project.

SDK quick links

In addition to this reference guide, we provide source code, API reference documentation, and sample applications at the following links:

GitHub repositoryfeatureprobe-spring-boot-starter
Sample applications-
Published moduleMaven

For users who use FeatureProbe for the first time, we strongly recommend that you return to this article after reading Gradual Rollout Tutorial

Access FeatureProbe

For the Spring Boot project, FeatureProbe provides an out of the box starter to facilitate the rapid integration of FeatureProbe in Spring Boot.


The service SDK uses asynchronous connection to the FeatureProbe server to pull the decision rules, and the decision rules will be cached locally. All interfaces exposed to user code only involve memory operations, so you don't need to worry about performance issues when calling.

Step 1. Install FeatureProbe Starter

First, install the FeatureProbe Starter as a dependency in your application.

Apache Maven


Gradle Groovy DSL

implementation 'com.featureprobe:featureprobe-spring-boot-starter:1.4.0'

Step 2. Config FeatureProbe instance

After installing and importing Starter, configure the required FeatureProbe instance according to the current environment.

sdk-key: server-9e53c5db4fd75049a69df8881f3bc90edd58fb06
refresh-interval: 5
spring.featureprobe.event-urlevents upload UrlY
spring.featureprobe.synchronizer-urltoggle data synchronization UrlY
spring.featureprobe.sdk-keycurrent environment SDK KEYY
spring.featureprobe.refresh-intervaldata synchronization frequency(s)N

Step 3. Use the feature toggle

You can use sdk to check which variation a particular user will receive for a given feature flag.

FeatureProbe fpClient;
FPUser user=new FPUser();
user.with("ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IN_RULE",VALUE_OF_ATTRIBUTE); // Call with() for each attribute used in Rule.
boolean boolValue=fpClient.boolValue("YOUR_TOGGLE_KEY",user,false);
// the code to run if the toggle is on
// the code to run if the toggle is off

Step 4. Close FeatureProbe Client

Close the client before exiting to ensure accurate data reporting.


Mock FeatureProbe for Unittest

You can mock FeatureProbe SDK returned value, to run unittest of your code.

1. Install powermock SDK:


2. Mock FeatureProbe Toggle

Target Method

public class DemoService {

FeatureProbe fp;

public boolean businessFunction(String userId, String tel) {
FPUser fpUser = new FPUser(userId);
fpUser.with("tel", tel);
return fp.boolValue("is_tester", fpUser, false);

Unit Test Code

public class FeatureProbeTest {

public void test() {
FeatureProbe fp = PowerMockito.mock(FeatureProbe.class);
DemoService demoService = new DemoService(fp);
Mockito.when(fp.boolValue(anyString(), any(FPUser.class), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(true);
boolean tester = demoService.businessFunction("user123", "12397347232");
assert tester;


Customize SDK


This paragraph applies to users who want to customize this SDK, or contribute code to this SDK through the open source community. Other users can skip this section.

We provide an acceptance test of this SDK to ensure that the modified SDK is compatible with the native rules of FeatureProbe. Integration test cases are added as submodules of each SDK repository. So be sure to pull the submodule first to get the latest integration tests before running the tests.

git submodule update --init --recursive
mvn test