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React SDK


To provide a better integration for use in React applications, React SDK builds on JavaScript SDK. Much of the JavaScript SDK functionality is also available for the React SDK to use. Please reference JavaScript SDK.


For users who needs to use metric analysis, please upgrade React SDK to version 2.0.1 . From this version, we support sending click, page view, and custom events.

SDK quick links

In addition to this reference guide, we provide source code, API reference documentation, and sample applications at the following links:

SDK API documentation SDK API docs
GitHub repositoryClient Side SDK for React
Sample applicationsDemo code
Published modulenpm

Try Out Demo Code

We provide a runnable demo code for you to understand how FeatureProbe SDK is used.

  1. First, you need to choose which environment FeatureProbe is connected to control your program

  2. Download this repo and run the demo program:

git clone
cd client-sdk-react
  1. Modify the link information in the example.

    • For online demo environment:

      client_sdk_key snapshot

    • For local docker environment:

      • remoteUrl = "http://YOUR_DOCKER_IP:4009/server"
      • clientSdkKey = "client-25614c7e03e9cb49c0e96357b797b1e47e7f2dff"
  2. Run the program.

    The first Demo:

    cd example/provider
    npm install
    npm run start

    The second Demo:

    cd example/async-provider
    npm install
    npm run start

Step-by-Step Guide

In this guide we explain how to use feature toggles in a React application using FeatureProbe.

Step 1. Use create-react-app to create a new React application:

npx create-react-app react-demo && cd react-demo

Step 2. Install the SDK:

npm install featureprobe-client-sdk-react --save

Step 3. In App.js, import FPProvider:

import { FPProvider } from 'featureprobe-client-sdk-react';
import Home from './home';

function App() {
const user = new FPUser();
user.with("userId", /* userId */);

return (
remoteUrl: "",
// remoteUrl: "", // for local docker
clientSdkKey: /* clientSdkKey */
<Home />

export default App;

Step 4. Create a new file home.js in the same directory as App.js, import withFPConsumer in home.js:

import { withFPConsumer } from 'featureprobe-client-sdk-react';

const Home = ({ toggles, client }) => {
const value = client?.boolValue(/* toggleKey */, false);
return (
<div>You can use toggle value like this: ${value}</div>
<div>You can also get toggle detail from toggles object like this: ${toggles?.[/* toggleKey */]}</div>

export default withFPConsumer(Home);



Initializing SDK with FPProvider. FPProvider accepts a config object, which provides configuration options for the React SDK. Read Available options for more information.

import { FPProvider } from 'featureprobe-client-sdk-react';
import Home from './home';

function App() {
const user = new FPUser();
user.with("userId", /* userId */);

return (
remoteUrl: "",
// remoteUrl: "", // for local docker
clientSdkKey: /* clientSdkKey */
<Home />

export default App;

Alternatively, you can pass your own client in to the FPProvider:

import { FPProvider, FeatureProbe } from 'featureprobe-client-sdk-react';
import Home from './home';

function App() {
const user = new FPUser();
user.with("userId", /* userId */);

const client = new FeatureProbe({
remoteUrl: "",
// remoteUrl: "", // for local docker
clientSdkKey: /* clientSdkKey */

return (
<Home />

export default App;


AsyncFPProvider is an another initialization method. This method will wait until SDK emit ready event, this can ensure toggles and the client are ready at the start of your React app lifecycle

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App';

import { AsyncFPProvider, FPUser } from 'featureprobe-client-sdk-react';

(async () => {
const FPProvider = await AsyncFPProvider({
remoteUrl: "",
// remoteUrl: "", // for local docker
clientSdkKey: /* clientSdkKey */

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

<App />


After you has initialized the React SDK, use withFPConsumer to access toggles values and the FeatureProbe client.

import { withFPConsumer } from 'featureprobe-client-sdk-react';

function HocComponent(props) {
const { toggles, client } = props;
const value = client.boolValue(/* toggleKey */);

return (

export default withFPConsumer(HocComponent);

The React SDK offers two custom hooks which you can use as an alternative to withFPConsumer: useFPClient and useFPToggles.


useFPClient is a custom hook which returns the FeatureProbe client.

import { useFPClient } from 'featureprobe-client-sdk-react';

function HookComponent() {
const client = useFPClient();
return (
<div style={{marginTop: '20px'}}>

export default HookComponent;


useFPToggles is a custom hook which returns all feature toggles.

import { useFPToggles } from 'featureprobe-client-sdk-react';

function HookComponent() {
const toggles = useFPToggles();
return (

export default HookComponent;

Track events


React SDK supports event tracking from version 2.0.1.

React SDK supports tracking custom events, pageview events and click events.

The track of pageview events and click events is done by the SDK itself automatically, you have no need to write any code.

Track custom events

Use useFPClient hook to get a SDK instance, then call track api.

import { useFPClient } from 'featureprobe-client-sdk-react';
const fp = useFPClient();

// Send a custom event.
// The first parameter is the event name,
// the second parameter is optional, it means a metric value to track
fp.track('YOUR_CUSTOM_EVENT_NAME_2', 5.5);




npm run test