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What is Feature Management

With the popularity of the agile movement and continuous delivery practices in the software development space, the software industry is increasingly relying on shorter delivery cycles to improve competitive advantage and achieve business success. However, for R&D team leaders, they need to be aware that continuous integration and continuous delivery bring many fundamental challenges to their teams' R&D efforts, and that increased speed inevitably increases the risk of delivery and disruption in the development process. Developers need tools specifically designed for the era of continuous integration and continuous delivery in order to increase speed while controlling risk and enhancing control.

  • We want every change to be deployed independently and grayed out so that problems can be identified early
  • We want to know how each feature is being used by users in a real online environment
  • We want to be able to turn off anomalous features at any time to recover online losses as soon as possible
  • We want to know what business value is generated by each new feature

Feature Management is the software engineering practice that accomplishes these goals.